Should I Buy an Oklahoma Home with Galvanized Plumbing?

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Should I Buy an Oklahoma Home with Galvanized Plumbing?

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Get a repipe quote before buying a home with galvanized plumbing
Get a repipe quote before buying a home with galvanized plumbing

Have you found your dream home in Oklahoma? Is the house over 40 years old?

There is a possibility that your future home may still have outdated galvanized plumbing. It's important to understand all the facts about galvanized plumbing when making an offer or a final decision on your new property.

In this article, we will investigate whether you should buy an Oklahoma home with galvanized plumbing, if home sellers are required to disclose the presence of galvanized pipes, whether they can impact home insurance rates, and if all galvanized steel pipes need to be replaced.

Should I Buy an Oklahoma Home With Galvanized Plumbing?

When deciding whether to purchase a home in Oklahoma, it's essential to consider the condition of the home's plumbing system. This is particularly crucial if the home still relies on galvanized plumbing.

Galvanized piping was once a common choice for plumbing due to its durability, especially in states like Oklahoma. However, as these pipes age, they present their own set of concerns that potential homebuyers should be aware of.

While the presence of galvanized pipes shouldn't deter you from purchasing your dream home in Oklahoma, there are several factors to consider and incorporate into your decision-making process.

Common Galvanized Plumbing Problems

  • Corrosion: Galvanized pipes are susceptible to corrosion over time, leading to rust buildup and compromised water quality.
  • Reduced Water Pressure: Corrosion and rust within galvanized pipes can restrict water flow, resulting in decreased water pressure throughout the home.
  • rust build up in galvanized pipes will reduce flow.
    Rust build up in galvanized pipes will reduce flow.
  • Leaks: Corrosion weakens the integrity of galvanized pipes, making them more prone to leaks, which can cause water damage to the property.
  • Impact of Weather: Oklahoma's varied climate, with hot summers and cold winters, can accelerate the corrosion process in galvanized pipes, exacerbating these issues.

For further information, we have an article that details why galvanized plumbing fails.


Are Oklahoma Home Sellers Required To Disclose Galvanized Plumbing?

Although there are rules detailing what Oklahoma home sellers need to disclose before selling their home, to the best of our knowledge, there is no requirement stating that home sellers must disclose the presence of galvanized plumbing.

According to NOLO (provider of DIY law advice and support), Oklahoma home sellers must fill out a disclosure statement detailing whether certain items in the home are in "normal working order". It's important to note that home sellers only need to disclose information "within their own knowledge".

If there hasn't been an issue with the home's galvanized plumbing, home sellers can state that the plumbing is in normal working order. However, it's crucial to note that all galvanized pipes are far past their expected service life and will eventually fail.


Can Galvanized Plumbing Impact Home Insurance Rates in Oklahoma?

In Oklahoma, the presence of galvanized plumbing in a home can affect home insurance rates. Most remaining galvanized plumbing is at least 60-70 years old, indicating that it's typically found in older houses with distinct characteristics that could lead to higher home insurance rates.

According to Allstate Insurance, one of the largest insurance companies in Oklahoma and across the country, any outdated plumbing, particularly galvanized pipes, found in older homes will be taken into consideration when calculating home insurance rates.

If you're concerned about how the presence of galvanized plumbing will impact the home insurance rates of a newly purchased home, be sure to contact your insurance provider directly.


Does Galvanized Plumbing Need to be Replaced in Oklahoma?

The short answer is that all galvanized pipes used in Oklahoma's residential fresh water plumbing require replacement.

Completely replacing galvanized plumbing may be an easier and less costly process than you might have imagined. Here at Repipe Specialists, our repipes are typically completed in as little as one day (returning on a second day for wall patching). We handle everything, including permits and inspections.

We frequently provide free quotes to both buyers and sellers as part of a home sale negotiation. As a buyer, with a Repipe Specialists quote in hand, you can confidently negotiate a concession from the seller or insist that the seller repipe prior to sale (because the repipe only takes 1-2 days, it can often easily be completed without delaying closing dates).

Don't let galvanized plumbing stop you from buying your dream home now. Contact us to have one of our local repipe consultants provide a free consultation and quote, delivered in-home or remotely.


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With over 75,000 repipes completed, we've perfected our One-Stop Repipe™ for your home.

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Receive a Free Quote for Your Galvanized Plumbing Repipe

Here at Repipe Specialists, we've fully replaced galvanized plumbing in over 75,000 homes since 1991 using both PEX tubing and copper piping. We continually get positive customer feedback from customers about their overall home repipe experiences. We often exceed their expectations on:

  • Speed: Our repipe crews typically complete a repipe in a day, returning on another day for wall patching.
  • Convenience: Through our One-Stop Repipe™ Process, we handle everything from permits, to wall patching, to inspections.
  • Cleanliness: Our crews are trained to protect your home while working (we cover all surfaces with protective sheeting), and to clean up fully at the end of each day.
  • Peace of Mind: Repipe Specialists is a fully licensed plumber in every state we operate in, and we back all of our repipes with a lifetime warranty.
  • Financing programs: To help take the sting out of unplanned repipe expenses, we offer several financing programs.
  • Price: As a specialist that performs hundreds of repipes a week, we can deliver high quality repipes at a lower cost vs generalist plumbers. We have an article that cover repipe cost factors in detail. Our quotes typically range from $4,500 to $15,000 depending on the size and complexity of your project.

Schedule a free in-home consult, and one of our local repipe consultants will explain all your repipe options and provide you with a written, fixed-price quote. Fix galvanized plumbing issues in your Oklahoma home, repipe now.


About Repipe Specialists

Expert Repiping at an Affordable Cost

Since our founding in 1991, we've been completing residential and multi-family building repipes to the highest standard.

With over 75,000 repipes completed, we've perfected our  One Stop Repipe™ process: providing you with a high quality and convenient repipe experience while offering significant savings compared to traditional plumbers - plus, our work is guaranteed for life.

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